Breaking the Myths Around 4a, 4b and 4c Hair

Breaking the Myths Around 4a, 4b and 4c Hair

Getting yourself familiar with various hair textures might help you break through cultural barriers or even just give you a wider perspective of your own. Of all the textures, natural hair can be the most challenging to manage.

There is so much misinformation out there! From people who have never chemically straightened their hair, or others claiming that it's too hard to wear natural hair, to those in the community who try to say it should stay natural forever and never touch a flat iron.

Many women make the mistake of viewing textured hair as more challenging to work with than chemically straightened locks, which could deter them from transitioning. However, this is not necessarily true; styling natural tresses can be as simple or creative as any other hairstyle!

Let us debunk some of the most common myths and misconceptions surrounding natural hair.

Myth 1: 4A, 4B, and 4C Natural Hair Doesn’t Grow Long

Type 4 Natural Hair

People with natural hair often become obsessed with noticing changes daily and they may get a bit discouraged when they don’t see any visible changes right away.

Remember, since their hair is more tightly coiled, the growth isn’t always as immediately evident as it may be with your straight-haired friends — which is why they might not notice its length immediately unless they spread their strands apart at the ends in the mirror.

On top of that, shrinkage can also play a role and make it look shorter than it actually is! But if one is still looking for instant growth you can easily rely on extensions and can see an instant change in your hair length.

Myth 2: Washing 4A, 4B, and 4C Hair Is Not Required

Washing Type 4 Natural Hair

Don’t believe this myth. While having curly hair does make it slightly more difficult to manage, natural or curly hair shouldn’t be stripped of oil in the process and should definitely be washed regularly.

A clean scalp will allow the hair to grow, styles to last, and your curls will be more defined. As you already know your hair type you just have to be precise about the kind of products you use in your hair while washing. Type 4 hair are prone to dryness so you have to follow a proper wash routine including moisturizing products in the line.

You can start with moisturizing shampoo and then follow up with a moisturizing conditioner and once you’re done washing your hair apply some french argan oil on damp hair, as it’s rich in moisture, for the ultra shiny hair, and finally, to get the defined curls you can finish up your routine by applying some curl enhancing mousse.

Myth 3: Type 4 Hair Is Difficult To Manage

Managing Curls is a Breeze Once You Understand Them

Managing your natural hair is definitely a challenge, but that doesn’t mean it always has to be a struggle. Once you get the hang of how your hair would prefer to be taken care of, managing it will feel more like a breeze than thought possible.

To start off with, you have to define manageability for yourself and really know what works best for you and your lifestyle.

Myth 4: Straightening Type 4 Hair Is A Big No

Straightening Natural Hair Can Be Done With Some Pre-Experience

Some people think that you shouldn't straighten your natural hair because it can cause irreversible damage. However, this doesn't tell the whole story. While it can cause damage if done incorrectly, properly taking care of your natural hair can prevent it from being severely damaged.

Some believe straightening your natural hair is contradictory to why you are natural. Natural hair is not a statement, and it shouldn’t ever be classified as a statement. It’s simply the way that your hair grows. If you choose to get a weave or color or get your hair straightened, then definitely do it.

Myth 5: 4A, 4B, and 4C Hair Is Stronger Than Other Hair Types

Type 4 Hair Is The Gentlest Hair Type

This is a common misconception! While it is true that thick hair strands generally possess more thickness than fine-textured hair, each strand of kinky/curly hair itself is actually quite fragile due to the loose cuticles and the curl pattern. The hair strands are brittle and prone to breakage.

Myth 6: Protective Hairstyles Help In the Growth of 4A, 4B, and 4C Hair

Protective Hairstyle On Natural Hair

While it's true that protective hairstyles can be a great way to give your hair strands a rest and give it time it needs to grow stronger, the solution isn't to leave your hair braided for long periods without giving it monthly breaks from the style.

In fact, not giving your hair enough attention overall can lead to dryness or breakage and possibly even lead to permanent damage such as hair loss over time. This is why you should regularly care for your scalp and hair well with moisturizing products, and by refreshing protective styles every two to three weeks.

Though we tried to cover all the myths around type 4 natural hair, there’s always scope for improvement. With this blog let’s break the stereotypes around Type 4 hair and care for them like the pro we are.

Let us know in the comments what myth you have come across with natural hair and we will answer your questions in our next blog. Until then keep reading Indique for more information on your hair type.