Food Habits That Are Ruining Your Hairs

Can something you love the most be something your hair hates the most?

Food is one thing that everyone loves so how can it be possible that they ruin our hair. Food is always rich in nutrients but still there are a lot of things that affect our hair health directly and make us suffer thinning, hair loss and hair breakage.

You know even I was shocked when I came to know about these food commodities that affect our hair health badly.

Want to know what they are?

Let's see what is it, that is food and is making us suffer the stress of hair loss.

Sea Food

Sea Food

This one may come as a shocker but yeah It’s true… Sea food is rich in mercury which is one of the most dangerous metals on earth for humans. It poisons your kidney and nervous system and it leads to baldness and thinning of your hairs.

Though I am not saying that every ounce of seafood is bad but there are a few fishes that you definitely should avoid eating. The biggest reason for the high amount of mercury in seafood is the pollution. The bigger and the older the fish is the more amount of mercury it has in it.

Good news is that we have a lot of fish that are good for our hair health too. So if you’re planning to go out to a seafood restaurant make sure you order fishes that are rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 like salmon, sardines and herring.

Sugary Commodities

Sugary Food

I know you're gonna hate me for it but that is true; Sugary food does ruin your hair health. The croissant or the donut you love eating as your breakfast or your midnight snack can be one of the reasons your hairs are thinning or breaking.

High intake of sugar spikes the sugar level in your blood and affects your hair follicles which results in hair loss.

But don’t you worry because we have also come up with the substitute of sugar that you definitely can take. Substitutes like Dates, Honey, jaggery, fresh fruits, coconut and figs are something you can definitely take but obviously in a fair amount because excessive of anything is bad.

Gluten, Starch and Refined Grains

Gluten, Starch and Refined Grains

You need to sync up your sugar calendar with this as it goes hand in hand with your sugar diet. Gluten, starch and refined grains are defined in the format of pasta, croissant, donuts, cakes and pastries. They thin out your hairs and take your one step closer to baldness too.

So whenever you get a chance skip the sugar and stick with meagre.

To top it all you can also look for the healthy alternative of gluten, starch and refined grain. Whole wheat, quinoa, oats, corn and some of the tasty healthy alternatives to name a few.



It may not be directly associated with your hair health but it does affect your hair health indirectly. Consuming a lot of alcohol leads to nutritional deficiency that turns out to be one of the reasons for hair thinning, hair loss or baldness.

But if you can look for the supplements lost somewhere else or if you can manage to give yourself those nutrients elseway then go ahead and party hard. For your reference the nutrients lost due to alcohol are iron, zinc, copper and protein.

So go ahead and find your substitutes for a better party life or be ready for the thinning of your hairs.

Fried Food

Fried Food

Fried food is not as innocent as it may seem. It’s true that oil is good for our hair health but not when it comes in excess. Consuming a lot of oil and fats results in greasing of your hairs which clogs the pores on your scalp and reduces the growth of your hair follicles.

This results in thinning of your hair and increases the speed of your hair loss but as I said earlier excess of anything is bad so if you love your fried food it’s probably better that you keep a check on your consumption amount.

If you’re able to maintain the intake limit then there is no harm in consuming the fried food. Your hairs will be in perfectly safe condition.


Salt Intake

Salt build-up deposits around your hair follicles which affect your hair growth and turns your hair dry. Salt is also rich in sodium which makes your hair dehydrate and lack moisture. It also makes one urinate a lot which exert potassium from our body and potassium is one of the most important nutrients for our hair growth and health.

I know there is no exact substitute for salt but we can always control the amount of salt we intake everyday, we can ignore having packed food that has a high amount of salt in it and can replace it with healthy food that is actually good for our hair.


Considering all the facts I believe we can always get over things that are not in our hand. We may not be able to ignore all the food commodities that are mentioned here but we can always try our next to decrease the amount of intake everyday.

I hope this article helped you in deciding and understanding what kind of food is good for you and what’s not. If you think that this was helpful, share it with your family and friends and educate them about their hair health too.