Hair Washing Hacks 101

You may know everything about hair wash, but there's still a lot more you can understand and learn. Washing hair is the one thing that everybody thinks they know about but still makes mistakes. You are missing out on a whole lot of hair hair washing routine if you don’t read about it!

Following a proper hair routine doesn’t only help you achieve clean, fresh hair but also positively impact your overall hair health. Just let go of yourself and check out these hair washing techniques to achieve healthier, great-looking hair.

Save your hair with these easy hair washing hacks and achieve gorgeous healthy hair.

Hack #1: Set The Temperature Right

Right Temperature

The temperature of water for hair wash should be warm. You all must be wondering that cold water is the best for a hair wash, then why warm water? This is because cold water doesn't do a great job in cleaning your hair. Wash your hair using warm water because it opens up your hair cuticles and cleanses them well.

Hack #2: Rinse Gently (Side to Side Motions)

Rinse Gently

A lot of people rinse their scalp vigorously while washing hair. It may feel good when you scrub it all the way, but what you are doing is tangling and matting your hair even more. Avoid doing this because you may end up roughing the cuticles, which can make you lose hair.

Just go side to side motion like the Arianna Grande song and gently rinse your scalp using your fingers and not nails. This way, you can thoroughly clean the scalp and get immaculate, nice-smelling hair.

Hack #3: Wash the Scalp Only

Wash Scalp

When you wash your hair, you might be thinking that you need to shampoo the entire head to make it clean, including your hair. Well, not precisely, because the ends might get oily. It is the scalp that produces natural oils and makes your hair greasy.

Apply the moisturizing shampoo on the scalp and gently rinse it in a circular motion. It is tempting to rinse the shampoo to the tips of your hair, but this is not a good idea. If you are doing that, then you are making the ends rough that will eventually lead to split ends.

There is no point shampooing the ends of your hair. Once you are under the warm water and have applied the shampoo, the shampoo’s residues from the scalp will run down to the tips of your hair and release the trapped dirt from the ends, cleaning your hair without even applying shampoo to them!

Hack #4: Use Two Dime Size Amount of Shampoo

Limited Amount of Shampoo

Use a two dime size amount of shampoo to clean your hair. Use one dime size at the front of the head and one to the back of the head. Lather it up, and then rinse from the front to the back of your head.

Go in from the back and focus on the area where it gets the oiliest. Everyone can use the same amount of shampoo irrespective of the length of their hair. You need to use the right amount of shampoo and follow proper directions for washing your hair.

Hack #5: Shampoo Routine

Shampoo Routine

It all depends on you because everybody has hair texture types. We all live in a diverse world, so it makes each one of yours shampooing routines different.

It is not recommended to shampoo your hair every day because it strips them of their natural oil and leaves them dry. However, you can be considerate here because some people have extremely oily hair, and it makes it important for them to wash their hair more than once a week.

Discontinue washing hair every day if you can and look out for other alternatives such as dry shampoos and limit washing your hair to once a week. Washing your hair once a week seems to be a good amount of time; because by then your hair secretes a decent amount of oil and doesn't dry your hair much when you shampoo it.

Hack #6: How Long Can You Leave Your Conditioner On?

Timer for Conditioner

Leave the hair conditioner on your hair as long as you wish because the longer you leave it, the more hydration your hair gets. For a plain old conditioner leave it on, but for not more than fifteen minutes. If it's for a hair mask, then 30 minutes is sufficient.

Hack #7: Avoid Scrubbing When Drying Hair

Avoid Scrubbing Your Head

Scrunch your hair in a towel instead of rubbing them between your palms. Hair is delicate when it's wet, and you can potentially break them. Gently pat the wet hair in a towel to dry them. Also, avoid putting up your hair in a turban after washing it. Doing this creates tension alopecia hair loss because it pulls on the fragile front pieces of the hair.

Hack #8: Drug Store Shampoos and Conditioners Can Ruin the Hair

Drug Store Shampoos and Copnditioners

Say goodbye to drug store shampoos. It is a "Red Flag" for you if the shampoo is significantly marked down and you are paying a low price for it. There is a high chance that there is no single high-quality ingredient in such a shampoo and conditioner.

Ladies, don't settle for less because you are just going to get a soap bar in a liquid form. It's going to leave your hair damaged without replacing the natural oils in your scalp.

Hack #9: Quality Over Quantity

Quality Over Quantity

Look for quality and not quantity. Spending a lot of money on quality products is worth it because they restore your hair, and you see noticeably thicker, longer, shinier hair.

Now, the setbacks of many to buying expensive conditioners and shampoos are because we use so much of it. If you know exactly how much shampoo to use, you shouldn't have a problem because it can last you for quite a while.

Hack #10: Condition More and Shampoo Less

Condition More Shampoo Less

Conditioner replenishes moisture in your hair and makes it smooth. Unlike shampoos, conditioners do not strip the hair of its oils. You can use conditioners every day because they re-hydrate and put the nutrients back into the hair by locking the cuticles.

However, it is essential to keep the right balance of shampooing and condition your hair to achieve silkier, healthier, and smoother hair.

Hack #11: Follow Up with a Great Hair Care Routine

Hair Care Routine

Following up with a great hair care routine is essential. Improve your hair health after shampooing and conditioning your hair. After using the hair care products, you can use some leave-ins or oils if you have dry hair.

If you have locks, then use some curl-defining products. Also, use heat protectant sprays when you are blow-drying and styling your locks.

Take care of your hair by using the best hair care products and see great results! Hair is the basic thing that makes up the real difference in your look and personality. Give it all the love and care to keep it the healthiest in any way possible.

Claim your hair health back and rock luscious hair all year round. Remember, your hair is a part of you and defines you. Take good care of it, maintain it by implementing these simple hair washing hacks, and fly high. Share this blog with your friends if you find it helpful and make your hair grow and glow!