Indique Blog

Why Indique's Braiding Hair is Harper's Bazaar's Favorite for Brazilian Knots

If you're looking to add amazing length and volume to your existing hair, Brazilian knots are an unbeatable option. These extensions are the superstar of the extension world, offering versatile, natural hair that's easy to style and care for. Recently, Harper's Bazaar highlighted Brazilian knots as a top choice and recommended Indique...

8 Jawline-Enhancing Short Wavy Hairstyles You’ll Fall In Love With

Achieving a chiseled face and defined jawline is a common aspiration for many, and various techniques such as gua sha, skincare routines, face massages, and yoga are often recommended. However, one effective and stylish way to accentuate your jawline is through the right hairstyle. Short wavy hairstyles, in particular, can significantly enhance your facial features. Here’s how these hairstyles work Why...

Radiant Locks: Stunning Hair Color Ideas for Summer Glamour

Transforming your hair color is one of the simplest ways to refresh your look and draw attention and compliments. There's no need to wait for a special occasion to update your style; you can do it anytime you feel like it. If you’re...

Reclaiming Confidence: Navigating Hair Loss with Hair Extensions and Wigs

Losing hair can be very traumatic, be it because of hormonal changes, medical conditions or stress. They are our crowning glory, and they make or break...

Curly And Confident: How To Manage Deep Curly Hair With Ease

Deep curly hair can be quite easy and at the same time overwhelming to manage. Don’t worry; you are not alone in feeling this way. Many of us with this hair type have experienced the unique challenges and joys that come with it. If you are ready to say goodbye to frizzy, dull hair and welcome hair with definition and lots of hydration, let’s embark on this transformational journey with...

How To Get Fluffy & Voluminous Ponytail Hair

Welcome to Summer! It’s the time when we automatically put our hair in a bun or a ponytail. They are our go-to hairstyle as they...

Customized Wigs: Why and How To Get One?

Hey there, fabulous trendsetter! Have you ever found yourself wondering why your styling game doesn't quite match your amazing personality? Well, fret not, because customized wigs...

Instant Volume And Length: A Deep Dive Into Clip-In Hair Extensions

Hair extensions are a great invention for modern-day women. They exponentially decrease their getting ready time and give them more time to hustle every day. You are always party-ready, office-ready, lunch-ready—you name it, and you are ready for the event. Let’s understand how...

Celebrate Mother's Day with Indique

As the calendar turns to May, the weather becomes pleasant, and spring is in full bloom we are reminded of someone who brings all the warmth and pleasantness into our lives, Our Mothers! They are one extraordinary woman who always keeps everyone around them above her and makes it her life's mission to be there for them in ways we can’t even imagine. With...

Coily Hair Chronicles: A Guide to Softness and Bounce

Coily hair, with its dreamy allure, can easily become a tangled nightmare without proper care. Whether you're embracing your natural curls or rocking a curly wig or sew-ins, worry not! We've compiled fantastic tips to keep your hair soft, springy, and irresistibly lustrous. Let's uncover the secrets...

Frontal Wig FAQ Edition - Get All the Answers!

Frontal wigs have been creating a buzz in the wig industry for quite some time now. Many individuals are already making their choices, yet there are still plenty of newcomers to the world of wigs. This leaves many confused when it comes to selecting frontal wigs. So, this blog aims to address some of the most frequently searched questions about frontal hair wigs, clearing up any doubts you might have. Prepare yourself to find answers to all the...

Level Up Your Hair Game With Long Hair

Long hair for women is a timeless and versatile expression of beauty and style. Offering a canvas for a myriad of hairstyles, long hair gives women the freedom to showcase their individuality, whether through flowing waves, intricate braids, or...

Why Choose Only Raw Indian Hair For Your Hair Extensions & Wigs?

Hair is the most important part of a woman’s life. It is something that makes or breaks most women's confidence. If you happen to have great hair, it instantly uplifts your mood and if not the day and mood go for a toss! That’s why we have hair extensions and wigs that can change the way you look immediately. To have great hair extensions comes with the knowledge of knowing exactly what kind of hair is needed...

7 Shades Of Box Braids That Suit Dark Skin Goddesses

Box braids have stood as an iconic hairstyle for decades, offering a blend of striking aesthetics, low maintenance, and boundless styling options. While they may be a classic braided...

How Can You Care For Your 613 Hair In Summer?

With summer right around the corner, it’s time to head to the beaches, soak up all the sun and have fun at the pool! Bring out your cool tank tops and shorts and beachwear and head on the scenic drive over the mountains and make your summer something to remember by....

Tips For Straightened Hair- Hacks For Kinky Straight Hair Texture

The allure of long, silky straight hair is a dream many of us hold dear. Whether you're blessed with naturally straight locks or you're a fan of straight hair wigs, maintaining that sleek, sharp look can sometimes be a challenge. If you're on a quest to keep your...

Can You Really Grow 4C Hair Longer? - Expert Tips Revealed

4C hair, as people say, has a mind of its own. One day you can love them all that you want, and the other, you just want to get away from them as far as possible. It is also said that it is one of the most difficult hair texture to have and...

Hair Extension Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier

Hair extensions have become a staple in the world of beauty and fashion, offering a convenient and versatile way to transform your look effortlessly. Whether you're craving extra length,...

Women’s Day Edit:Decoding Box Braids Of Modern Influential Black Icons

Beauty with brains isn't just a fairy tale—it's a living, breathing reality that today's world proudly celebrates! You don't have to ditch the glitz and glamour to make a difference in society. In fact, you can rock your braided style and still uplift others. That's the vibe we're diving into today, focusing on...

Cute And Stylish Braided Ponytail Hairstyle For Every Occasion

Just a ponytail hairstyle screams a relaxed look that can be done in seconds, but if you add a braid to it, then the whole...

Weave Hair Texture War- Straight Or Wavy Or Curly. Which One Is Easiest To Handle?

Weave hair comes in various volumes, colors, and textures, catering to individual preferences ranging from straight to kinky curly and bouncy wavy. However, amidst these options, the perennial question persists: which texture reigns supreme? If you've delved into experimenting with different textures, you might have already found your favorite. Yet, for those new to the weave hair experience or still exploring, this blog aims to provide the ultimate answer. Here, we not only select...