Indique Blog

5 Ways To Freshen Up Your Hair After a Workout Without Shampooing

Working out can boost your immune system and aid in helping you feel happy overall. But what about your hair? We’ve compiled a list...

The Art of The Creation

Last Friday, Indique Hair participated in the Brown Beauty Summit by Yene Damtew. The Art of the Creation Panel focused on the importance of having multiple income streams, as well as gaining insight for beauty professionals who have used the digital space and product creation to become thriving beautypreneurs. The panelists answered the following: As digital platforms continue...

Rice Water Spray For Fast & Thick Hair Growth

From hot oil massages to organic hair masks there are a lot of ways to transform your hair and care for them. Rice is one of the contributor too in boosting the natural growth. Rice water...

15-Minute Magic Hair Masks for Damaged Hair Extensions

Premium hair extensions are the go-to for instant length and fullness. Over time, hair extensions can experience damage from wear and tear. Top-grade hair, like Indique, has the cuticle still intact. Therefore, they will allow the valuable properties of intensive hair treatments to penetrate the...

Fall in Love with Indique Hair in Color

Are you a collector of hair extension bundles and searching for a style refresh? Look no further. Your next signature look is in the near future! All you need is a bottle of hair dye paired with a pinch of inspiration and a dash of creativity. If not serviced properly, dyeing your natural hair can be damaging and may cause breakage. However, there's no potential harm...

Hairstyle Options for the Naturalista

Being natural comes with a lot of perks. There are several different style options; you can wear your hair in its natural state or use extensions. We gathered up the...