Hysteria Straight Platinum Blonde Closure 4x4
Regular price$149.00


Indique's Hysteria Straight Platinum Blonde Closure, the perfect match to go with your Hysteria Straight and Hysteria Classic Platinum (613) bundles.
Indique’s closures complete your sew-in or wig with a totally undetectable parted area. Part your hair anyway you choose with ease and confidence. Closures provide a protective style while giving your natural hair a rest.
- Bleached knots
- Swiss lace
- Freestyle parted area - you choose where you’d like the part to be.
- RSD Single Drawn hair: hair looks naturally tapered at the ends
- 100% density
- Reinforced edges with Polyurethane to minimize any tearing
- Perforated holes around perimeter to sew through